Monday, March 7, 2011

Get Informed and Get Ready


On Nov. 4th I told you "...We cannot sit back. Some really scary folks won this election. This means we are going to have to stand up every time they try to cut education, attack our LGBT friends, de-regulate the environment, or whatever else they might try. To do this we’re going to need your help."

Now the scary winners from November are doing all kinds of things. Some attacks no one really anticipated, like the attack on teachers, but these attacks are real. Please watch and show everyone you know this episode of the Daily Show. It points how the teachers and unions are treated one way, but wealthy Americans are treated differently. (Plus it's the Daily Show!)

If you are like me, that episode alone would be enough to make you want to "stand up" and make a difference. But I am always ready to take action. If you need more convincing, consider that these problems are not just happening in Wisconsin.

These "scary folks" are everywhere. We only have to look to Harrisburg to see it. Pennsylvania Republican Governor, Tom Corbett, has proposed a budget providing tax cuts for his business allies at the expense of working class and middle class Pennsylvanians. Read about it here (and sign the petition):

In other scary news, consider reading my column in the Juniatian about the crazy abortion policies of the Republicans. However, I suggest you also read a better article on the war on women, which focuses more on Women's Rights than my article does.

Besides attacking teachers, unions, the middle class, and women the GOP is also going after the environment. Please read about the dangers of natural gas fracking here: Then if you can believe it, read about the Republican attempts to cut the EPA by 1/3 here:

The Executive board will be discussing things over break and we will be working on a plan to take action. However, to make change on these issues we are going to need everyone's help. So please get informed, and then get ready to take action.

In Solidarity,
