Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Juniata College Democrats Receive State Recognition

Huntingdon, PA- April 4, 2011- The Juniata College Democrats were named the “Little Chapter That Could” during the Pennsylvania College Democrats statewide convention that was held on April 1st-3rd at Temple University. Around 60 students from 13 schools attended the convention including several students from Juniata College. Pennsylvania College Democrats is a federation of College Democrats chapters from across Pennsylvania.

The Juniata Democrats received the award after presenting their work this year to the awards committee. Some of their accomplishments included making nearly 7,000 voter contacts in the 2010 general election, hosting candidates like Scott Conklin on campus, hosting a debate with the College Republicans, and participating in the local adopt-a-highway program.

Pennsylvania College Democrats recognized this dedication from the Juniata College Democrats, despite being a small school in a Republican area. The Juniata College Democrats achieved this success with 7 to 10 highly involved members.

Joe Day, who is currently the Vice President of College Democrats of America and was a member of the awards committee, added, “It is amazing that your chapter did comparable work to other major chapters like Pennsylvania State University and Temple University despite the limited resources that you had. “

In other statewide success, Juniata College freshman Derrick Magnotta was elected to the executive board of the Pennsylvania College Democrats as their Membership Director. Magnotta currently serves as the Events Coordinator for the Juniata College Democrats.

The current Juniata College Democrats president, Zach Gordon, nominated Magnotta. Gordon was elected to the state board last year as its Political Affairs Director.